
How to make an online payment

1. Request the identification data from Embutidos ecological Luis Gil by calling 941 436 431 or by email to

You can also request the order template (, where you can see the products and prices and place the order knowing the total to pay.
2. You will receive an email with your access information.

3. Access the page and in the ECOLOGICAL PRODUCTS section, at the bottom right, a CUSTOMER ACCESS form appears.

4. Enter the username and password you received and press Submit.

5. You are already identified, now, at the top of the page, notice that there is a new menu. Enter Online payment.

6. Enter the amount you want to pay in the text box and press Pay. If decimals are added, they must be separated by commas (,).

7. You are now in the last step, if everything went well, you have connected with the bank. Enter the bank details requested, and you will be done.

8. Upon completing the online payment, you will receive a proof of payment in your email.