- Identification of the organizing company
Sausages Luis Gil S.L. with tax address in Las Ruedas de Ocón (La Rioja) and with CIF B26241000, has organized this campaign called SORTEO MIL FOLLOWERS.
2. Start dates and duration of the contest. Geographic scope.
The draw will begin on December 30, 2021 and will end on January 6, 2022 at 00:00 a.m. You can only participate during this period of time.
The campaign is aimed at residents in Spain; (ii) that they have an active profile on Instagram; (iii) and that they have (iv) fully accepted the content of these Bases and Conditions.
The organizer reserves the right to postpone or suspend the draw in case of force majeure as well as the power to interpret these legal terms and conditions.
3. Rules and conditions to participate.
Individuals over 18 years of age residing in Spain may participate.
To participate, you must follow the profile of @embutidosecolg on Instagram, post a photo on the participant's personal profile tagging @embutidosecolg and use the hashtag #AComerseEl2022ConEmbutidosLuisGil.
Posts must not contain obscene, inappropriate material or any type of comments that could morally affect any person or the brand. Any post containing this type of content will result in the participant's immediate disqualification. The information and opinions published in this contest are exclusive of its author and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Organizer.
The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the campaign during its development, if any cause occurs that prevents it from being carried out successfully or in order to improve its progress.
4. Selection of the winner
The winner will be chosen by the family that owns Embutidos Luis Gil and the originality and quality of the image will be valued, as well as the attitude shown in it. The name of the winner will be published in the same draw post on January 7 and they will be contacted to inform them of the result of the draw.
A single winner will be chosen and two substitutes will be established to, in the event of not being able to deliver the prize due to non-compliance with the regulations or due to not being able to contact or receive a response from the winner within 72 hours, to be able to deliver the prize to another user.
Embutidos Luis Gil SL is exempt from any responsibility in the event of any error in the data provided by the winners/substitutes that prevents their identification.
5. Nature of the prize offered
The prize includes a batch of products in an EcoPicnic box made up of a selection of organic sausages and pâtés: chorizo, salchichón, an envelope of ham, one of loin and two cans of eco pâté.
The prize will be sent to the winner's home. Shipments can only be made to mainland Spain.
6. Protection of personal data
Los datos suministrados por el ganador/suplentes serán tratados confidencialmente y recopilados en un fichero automatizado de datos de carácter personal siendo Embutidos Luis Gil SL titular y responsable del fichero, con el objete de gestionar la participación en el sorteo y el disfrute del premio.
Embutidos Luis Gil SL guarantees full compliance with Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13 on the Protection of Personal Data in the processing of personal data collected for the delivery of the Ecopicnic Basket raffle prize, especially with regard to attention to the exercise of the rights of information, access, rectification, opposition and cancellation of personal data of the winner/substitutes.
7. Penalty in case of fraudulent use
Any violation of these or of the procedures or systems established for participation in the contest will imply immediate exclusion from the contest and/or revocation of the prizes.
Este Reglamento estará publicado para disposición de todo público que desee participar en el concurso en Instagram. Cualquier duda o consulta sobre los alcances e interpretación del presente reglamento, podrá hacerse mediante consulta al correo electrónico marketing@embutidosluisgil.com
8. Exoneración a Instagram
Este concurso cumple con todas las normas de privacidad y políticas de Instagram. El Organizador exonera a Instagram de toda responsabilidad asociada al presente concurso, que no está patrocinado, avalado, ni asociado en modo alguno a la plataforma. El ganador/suplentes están proporcionando su información a Embutidos Luis Gil y en ningún caso a Instagram.
9. Comprobación del ganador
The Organizer may verify at any time the validity of the information provided and require the participants or winners to provide the necessary documents to verify its veracity.
10. Acceptance and legal bases
Participation in the draw implies acceptance of these legal terms and conditions. Any manifestation of non-acceptance of all or part of the legal bases will imply the exclusion of the participant and, as a consequence, Embutidos Luis Gil will be released from compliance with the obligation contracted with this participant.