Organic meat, Organic fresh meats, Organic pigs

Do you know how to cook and differentiate the pen, the secret, the prey and the pork tenderloin?

Feather, secret, sirloin, prey

If there is an animal from which everything can be used, it is the pig. And it is true, nowadays when we go to the butcher shop, we increasingly find more varied cuts. In addition to the loin or sirloin, there are other very tasty pieces such as the feather.

Do you know how to differentiate and cook the pen, the secret, the sirloin or the pork prey?


The prey is a meat that is attached to the shoulder, forming part of the head of the loin. Its position makes it marbled with intramuscular fat, giving it a very juicy flavor.

It can be cooked in any way but always in short cooking times.


The secret is located at the upper end of the skirt next to the head of the loin. It is called that because it is a cut that is hidden between the shoulder and the bacon. It can only be seen if the muscle is cut horizontally. of pork, It is the piece with the most fat.

It is recommended cook it on the grill.


It is located on the rear of the pig and It is the leanest piece and demanded by the consumer.

Being large in size, You can fillet it and cook it on the grill or in the oven..


It is located next to the spine, which makes it have a excellent texture.

Like the secret, they are thin pieces, with round and round on the grill or in the pan It will be enough to enjoy its excellent flavor.

Although pork can be cooked in multiple ways, there are three tips in meat cooking:
1. Meat is better the less you touch it.
2. Before the meat is cooked, it must be seasoned.
3. Salt should be added before cooking the meat.

If you follow these tips, you will get the best flavor out of the meat you are eating.

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2 thoughts on “Do you know how to cook and differentiate the pen, the secret, the prey and the pork tenderloin?

  1. Jesus Ayensa Moreno says:

    Good explanation, thanks.

  2. I used to like sirloin better. But over the years I have grown a great love for secrecy. Age things.

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