Healthy nutrition, Sustainable development, Organic livestock, Sustainable homes, Environment, nomasplasticos

We are working on creating packaging with 80% less plastic

At Embutidos Luis Gil we are developing a project to create a new packaging line that will drastically reduce the use of plastic in the packaging of our products. It is a packaging based on paper, a totally natural and recyclable material.

The new packaging that our products will soon sport, both whole sausages and sliced ​​meats and fresh meat, is being custom designed for the needs of our company and our products. This is a laminated paper packaging that combines responsibly sourced paper with the important barrier functions of a flexible film that protects oxygen and aromas and facilitates the preservation of our products in optimal condition.

All the paper that will be used in this new packaging, which we hope to implement soon in our products, is FSC© certified from responsibly managed forests and is composed only of 100% virgin fibers and does not contain mineral oils.

These are totally innovative solutions that will allow the plastic present in our current packaging to be reduced by 80%. One more step in our company in the commitment to environmental conservation and sustainability that we began with our ecological agriculture and livestock project. As the years go by, we incorporate more and more initiatives (use of clean energy, recycling rainwater...) to minimize the impact of our activity on the environment, collaborating to the extent of our possibilities in the fight against change. climate and environmental challenges we face while offering consumers quality sausages and meats that take care of their health and the planet.

Not in vain our ecological agriculture and livestock project is located in the Ocón Valley, in La Rioja, in the heart of the World Biosphere Reserve, a place of great beauty and ecological value and with which we are totally committed to its conservation. development and safeguarding for future generations.