Sustainable development, zero waste, Sustainable homes, Environment, Sustainability

Use kitchen

Use kitchen

How many times has our grandmother told us phrases like “Do not play with the food” o “food is not thrown away“. And it's true, currently we have any food so close at hand that we are immediately throwing away leftovers from plates, foods that are unattractive to the eye, etc.

Although our generation is thought to be the most environmentally friendly, we owe the little we know about sustainability to them. They are the ones who really had a true ecological conscience and contributed much more than us to the reuse of food and objects.

Waste cooking (also called trashcooking) is increasingly popular, not only among those of us who cook at home, but also for great chefs who are beginning to prepare dishes in which everything is used and nothing is thrown away.

Surely you have thrown away leftovers from the previous day or some vegetables that are limp, these everyday acts have led us to Spain is the seventh country in the European Union in which we waste the most food. Specifically, 8 million tons of food per year. Don't you find that something worrying? This means that on a daily basis we are wasting and throwing away food that could be given a second life.

How can we reuse these foods? We leave you some ideas

Do you have ripe fruit? Prepare a jam
The recipe has no other complication than crushing all the fruit and adding a little sugar.

Have you run out of any yogurt?
Although yogurts have an expiration date, this can always be extended by one or two weeks.
If you haven't consumed them yet, you can make a hair mask.
· Put two tablespoons of yogurt and two or three slices of ripe avocado in a bowl to mix it well.
· Once done, apply it to your hair before washing, applying it section by section and then cover all your hair with transparent film.
· Let it apply for 30 minutes and if you can, apply some color, the effect will be better.

Do you have any leftover pan? ¡Aprovéchalo!
Garlic soup, crumbs, French toast, breadcrumbs... Bread can be reused in many ways, so not even a crumb should be thrown away.

What do you do with the used olive oil?
Store the used oil in a jug, strain it, clean it and mix it with water and soda; you will get a wonderful soap. If you want, you can add aromas, natural ingredients, etc...

Are your vegetables going bad?
If you have leftover vegetables or they are going bad, grind everything and create a vegetable puree or cream. Warm for winter and refreshing for summer.

The coffee grounds… save them!
Some plants (hydrangeas, roses, strawberries, tomatoes...) grow healthier and stronger without mixing the soil with the coffee grounds.

Do you have leftover rice or pasta?
These foods require many other applications such as salads, burritos, etc.

What about leftover fish or meat?
Take advantage of it to make croquettes, empanadas...

If we all made the most of food, we would save as a family, take care of the environment and the food system.

Y tú ¿te sumas al aprovechamiento de alimentos? ¿nos das algún otro truco?

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