
Five mistakes you make when cooking grilled pork

The tastiest cuts to enjoy a juicy texture with this culinary technique that is as simple as it is healthy and practical are the secret, the feather, the sirloin, the prey and the loin. Discover in this post five mistakes that you should avoid to avoid ruining your favorite cut of organic pork.

1. Not taking into account the temperature of the meat

If we make the meat as soon as we take it out of the refrigerator, it is more than likely that it will shrink due to the sudden change in temperature and will be cooked irregularly. To avoid this, take out the meat a little earlier and let it cool before cooking. You will see what a change!

2. No calentar suficientemente la sartén antes

Si la plancha o sartén, muy importante que sea antiadherente, no están lo suficientemente calientes antes de poner la carne tardará más en hacerse bien y quedará seca. Ten paciencia y espera.

3. No abuses del fuego muy alto ni todo lo contrario

Sella con un primer golpe a fuego muy fuerte ambos lados y después baja potencia y deja que se haga despacio unos minutos por cada lado. Y apaga el fuego antes de que llegue al punto óptimo para que termine de hacerse sola.

4. Pinchar y remover la carne continuamente.

Cuanto menos manipules la carne mejor. No le des vueltas continuamente ni la pinches porque cortarás la recirculación de los jugos y se secará.

5. Too much oil

You don't have to literally use a pool of oil. Leave this for when you make it breaded or battered, for example. To cook it naturally, take a dry frying pan or griddle and coat the pork fillet with a little olive oil or some marinade of your choice (oil mixed with herbs and spices). It is best to use a brush but you can also do it with your hands, gently massaging the piece to spread it. This will protect the meat and reduce the evaporation of the juices.

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2 thoughts on “Five mistakes you make when cooking grilled pork

  1. Josep Mª Vergés says:

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  2. Sausages Luis Gil says:

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    All the best!

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