Healthy nutrition, Organic meat, Organic sausages, Organic sausages Luis Gil

Why consume organic meat?

Why consume organic meat

To consider a meat to be organic, the livestock must also be organic. The animals must be raised on a farm in total freedom, in our case “The oak forest of Ocón“, in which no trace of insecticide, pesticide or chemical treatment has been detected in the soil during the last 3 years.

They are food must be 100% natural, with products from organic farming. Foods that are fertilized with the same manure produced by animals and which should not include any type of GMO or antibiotic.

This is why organic meat acquires the flavor of the earth, preserving all the original properties and its own flavor.

This type of meat contains a greater number of vitamins than conventional meat. Specific, vitamin E and vitamin B2 that provide antioxidant properties in our body. In addition to tripling and quintupling linoleic acid With respect to the conventional one, responsible for increasing defenses, reducing blood pressure and controlling cholesterol.

Eating this type of meat will make your diet healthier by eat exempt foods of: antioxidants, dyes, hormones, pesticides, flavor-modifying substances and poisons.

As you can see, by consuming organic meat, we benefit our health and that of our planet. Therefore, since Organic sausages Luis Gil, we encourage you to follow our motto "We are what we eat".

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