Tips, Organic sausages Luis Gil, Sustainable homes

Tips to make your home a more ecological space


Currently, “eco” is in fashion; and it is no wonder, because it is healthy and very necessary.
Therefore, today we are going to give you some Tips to make your home a more ecological space. With this, you will contribute to the sustainability of the environment, you will take care of those around you, and you will reduce your household expenses.

1. Correctly insulate the ceilings, walls and floors of your home.
There are a large number of materials on the market that will help you insulate your home.

2. Install double or triple glass windows.
You will save on both heating and air conditioning, improving both thermal and acoustic insulation.

3. Use low consumption light bulbs.
It seems obvious but there are still a large number of homes that have not switched to this type of lighting, essential in a sustainable home.

4. Choose the right orientation
The key is that you can make the most of the hours of sunshine.

5. Always choose appliances that have the energy label (Energy Star)
The energy label classifies the performance of the appliance in seven letters ranging from A to G. Class A is the most efficient and class G is the least efficient.

6. Choose natural non-toxic paints.
These paints contain water, gypsum, lime, clays and natural fats. They are healthier and you also avoid bad odors and possible poisoning.

7. Install renewable energy sources.
If you live in an area with many hours of sunshine, you can install a solar boiler or photovoltaic panels. Although in principle it is an investment, in the long term you will notice the savings.

8. Use natural and recyclable materials in the decoration of your home.
Cotton, wool, wood. cork, stainless steel, etc. Through decoration you can enjoy a sustainable home.

As you can see, there is a lot we can do to build a more sustainable and environmentally friendly house. There are very simple ideas to implement with which we will contribute to creating a better world.

And can you give us any more advice?

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