Ecological agriculture, Organic fresh meats, Organic sausages, Ecological labeling, Luis Gil, Ecological production, Organic products

A healthier diet with organic products

Organic products

Nowadays, we tend to take care of our diet with products made in a traditional and natural way, staying away from foods with additives, preservatives and colorings.

Organic food is conceived as production of provisions through natural systems, which do not use any synthetic chemical products such as pesticides, chemical herbicides, growth hormones or artificial fertilizers. Organic, natural and recycled materials are used throughout the production process, in addition to working under the principle of rotation.

Los Organic foods have great health benefits, among which we find:

  • More consistent vegetables as they contain less water than the classic ones.
  • Fruits and vegetables with more vitamin C, iron and magnesium.
  • Cereals with more protein.
  • Meats and dairy products with a greater presence of Omega 3.

As we have already explained in previous posts, it is easy identify an ecological product because according to European Community regulations, its labeling must present “the eurosheet” In addition to containing a reference to the control body that certifies that product.

Both our sausages and our fresh meats comply with these regulations and are therefore certified as organic. Being all of them suitable for celiacs, and without allergens.

Our way of working and care for raw materials have made us one of the pioneer companies to obtain this seal. Worrying at all times to achieve High-quality organic products that are tasty as well as healthy.

Thus, Both our clients and our suppliers share with us the same philosophy of caring for people's health.. We create complicities with companies and groups that are committed to offering high-quality raw materials to improve people's lives, taking care of their health and well-being.

Another advantage of organic production is that, By not using chemical products and making use of recycled materials, less pollution is generated, thus closing a healthy circle..

If you are thinking about eating a healthier diet, you can count on the range of organic fresh meats and products from Luis Gil, with them you will improve your health and well-being.

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3 thoughts on “A healthier diet with organic products

  1. Me gusta. Por experiwncia, y mi trabajo antwrior. Me hace valorar, lo que hacéis. Como Diplomado en Consum o, Os animo a seguir en esta línea. de PRODUCTOS DE GRAN CALIDAD. Y SOBRE TODO, EN LA LÍNEA ECOLÓGICA.

  2. TRUE says:

    De toda la vida se ha sabido que somos lo que comemos. Muchos problemas de salud típicos de nuestros tiempos vienen causados por una mala alimentación, ¡es una buena idea volver a conectar con lo natural! Eliminar de nuestra dieta ciertos productos químicos dañinos y tratar de comer alimentos lo más frescos posibles seguro que mejorará cómo nos sentimos, ¿no os parece?

  3. Sausages Luis Gil says:

    Por supuesto que nos parece Vrai.
    Muchas gracias por tu comentario.

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