Sustainable development, Sustainable homes, natural products

How to make a multipurpose and ecological cleaner

how to make a multipurpose and ecological-and-homemade cleaner

When we go shopping at the supermarket, we find a multitude of cleaning products, each of them specialized in a type of surface, material, finish, etc. These products are capable of removing all dirt in one pass thanks to the amount of chemicals they contain.

The majority of them contain surfactants. These are some chemicals that make it possible for some liquids to mix and dissolve or act together, that's why they are good grease removers. However, they are still toxic chemicals.

In addition, the vapors they give off are mostly also toxic.

Thus, There is a natural way to clean, and it is by making our multipurpose cleaner ourselves.. In addition to not containing chemicals, it is much more economical since we do not have to have a product for each thing we want to clean.

What are the advantages of using a multipurpose and ecological cleaner?

  • With a single product, you can clean everything: windows, floors, tiles, clothes, etc.
  • If you are allergic to certain substances, the use of a natural cleaner will prevent the reactions caused by the chemical agents they contain.
  • You can modify it to your liking depending on your needs.

How to make an ecological multipurpose cleaner?


  • A spray can
  • 2 tablespoons white vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • 15 drops of tea tree essential oil
  • 1 tablespoon of alcohol
  • Optional: 10 drops of scented essential oil to add aroma to our mixture.


Mix all the ingredients in the quantities indicated in a bottle and mix them until they are homogeneous. When you are going to use the mixture, it is advisable to shake it a little before using it. You can use it directly or dilute it in water if you want to mop the floor, for example.

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One thought on “How to make a multipurpose and ecological cleaner

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