Sustainable development, Environment, Without category, Zero waste

“Zero waste” or “zero waste” is it possible?

Zero waste

Cada día, tiramos a la basura un kilo y medio de residuos por persona. Esto quiere decir que al año, estamos produciendo más de media tonelada de residuos que acaban contaminando nuestro planeta.

Zero waste es un movimiento global que tiene como objetivo dejar de generar residuos o reducirlos al máximo posible. Una nueva forma de entender, gestionar y tratar los residuos.

¿Qué promueve el concepto “Zero waste”?

Este concepto promueve el rediseño de los ciclos de vida de los recursos para que todos los productos sean reutilizables.

That is, in the same way that the environment has its cycles through which resources are reused, this movement tries to ensure that waste from human actions is also reused.

To do this, promote a series of very simple rules with which we can all reduce our waste production to the maximum.

First rule: Reject

The first rule of the cycle begins with reject all types of unnecessary packaging buying products in bulk and using plastic bags,

Second rule: Reduce

The second rule is about reduce everything we buy unnecessarily. This rule encourages the purchase of what is necessary and, if possible, that has a long useful life.

Third rule: Reuse

The third rule is about reuse all objects, offering them a second chance. Transforming them into other objects of different use or passing them on to other people so that they can use them.

Fourth rule: Recycle

The fourth rule is about recycle, as far as possible, the waste we have generated. Placing each one of them in its corresponding container.

Fifth rule: Decompose

And the fifth and last rule that deals with decompose waste that we have not been able to recycle.

As you can see, the rules presented by the “Zero waste” movement are very simple. We must gradually introduce them into our purchasing habits, since any small modification can have a big impact.

It is about starting to think about the environmental cost of each of our actions, and leading a life based more on experiences and not on belongings.

And what do you think of the “Zero waste” movement?

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One thought on ““Zero waste” or “zero waste” is it possible?

  1. Me parece una idea estupenda, que haya cero residuos y se aproveche todo. Hay que promover y educar a la gente, en eso estamos. Gracias

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