Tips, Organic sausages, Organic products

Add pork to your diet!


The Pork Meat has always been considered little beneficial for health and is linked to an increase in blood cholesterol levels.

Although there are numerous contraindications for pork, this low-fat meat has numerous beneficial properties for the health of the consumer.

Es rich in protein, its fat is beneficial for our body and its nutrients They will provide us with a good functioning of our system.

It is true that the pig is an animal that contains high concentrations of fat in its structure, but If we choose well the part of the pig that we want to consume, it will bring us great benefits.


They highlight the B vitamins such as thiamine and riboflavin or vitamin B12, important in the metabolism of fats and proteins, as well as in the release of energy through food.


Contains high doses of proteins of high biological value (necessary for muscle development during the growth period) and is composed of a good combination of essential amino acids easy to assimilate by our body.


Its content in zinc, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and magnesium is high; although stands out for its iron contribution which will help you maintain good health by preventing iron deficiency anemia.

Fatty acids

It is rich in monounsaturated fats and contains high amounts of oleic acid, which helps maintain adequate levels of good HDL cholesterol, lowering bad LDL cholesterol.

Taking into account the benefits that pork provides, Organic sausages Luis Gil recommends its insertion into a healthy and balanced diet where all types of foods have a place as long as we do not abuse them.

And do you include pork in your diet?

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5 thoughts on “Add pork to your diet!

  1. Sylvia Temple says:

    Les mando un saludo desde El Reino Unido y una enhorabuena por vuesto labor en recuperar productos saludables y ecologicos, sin aditivos. Soy inglesa pero de abuelos espanoles, de campo y mucha sabiduria. La carne de cerdo y sus grasas son buenos para la salud, son los nuevos grasas vegetales “trans fats” los que son malos, por suerte esto ya se empieza a demostrar, resultando en una (lenta) vuelta atras en las guias gubernmentales de salud, que desde hace mucho tiempo habian recomendado una dieta alta en carbohidratos y cereales integrales, y baja en grasas saturadas. Desafortunadamente, estas guias han impactado mucho en la salud de la gente en Europa y Estados Unidos, resultando en problemas como diabetes y obesidad, ademas de un sinfin de problemas digestivos y alergias al gluten etc. Incluso algunos cardiologos han reconocido que los huevos son muy importantes en la dieta, despues de haber sido vilificados durante mucho tiempo! Pero es de logica, nuestros antepasados habian almacenado mucha sabiduria para sobrevivir en las condiciones tan duras del pasado. Espana tiene una de las tasas de longevidad mas altas de Europa, detras de Francia, y los Franceses comen mas grasa saturada que ningun otro pais del U.E. Combinandolo con el vino tinto, tan saludable, claro. Yo como pescado, marisco, verduras incluyendo mucha patata, productos lacteos sin homogenizar ni tratar, aceite de oliva virgen y carne de cerdo, con sus grasas tan buenas. Mis niveles de azucar y colesterol son excelentes desde siempre, al asombro de mi medico ingles, que recomienda la margarina y grasas vegetales, y un desayuno de cereales (suelo comer huevos con un poco de panceta natural, gracias). No pretendo dar consejo a los demas, ni tengo formacion alguna en lo referente a la salud, cada uno es libre de comer lo que le parecza bien, pero la tradicion del cerdo que tiene espana es envidiable. Se que tambien empieza haber mucha gente que usan aceite de coco para cocinar, esta bien, pero de hecho no es tradicion en los paises Asiaticos; en el pasado cocinaban con manteca de cerdo, que es lo que habia. Tambien lo usaban en lugares como Okinawa en Japon, reconocido Blue Zone (Zona de Longevidad Mundial), aunque lo combinan con mucho pescdo y verduras del mar, y sake, claro. Hay mucha mucha desinformacion sobre la comida actualmente, resultando en ideas muy dispares en todos los campos. Gracias de nuevo por producir estos productos y por preocupar de la salud y bienestar de vuestros animales.Sylvia.

  2. Sausages Luis Gil says:

    Thank you very much for your contribution Sylvia.

  3. Jose says:

    Hello. It's not to disparage their product but I wanted to give you my opinion. I am a chorizo ​​maker, I like other sausages but especially chorizo, and Riojano the most. I prefer the spicy and dry one but I don't dislike any other good quality one. What is true is that I always complain about those that contain too much fat. And that is what has happened to me every time I have purchased your product. I see it excessive. I know that it is done this way out of habit, but I expected that an organic chorizo ​​without additives would also offer me a little less fat, so my advice would also be to make one low in fat, I would devour them!!! By the way, salt is refined or unrefined. All the best

  4. Sausages Luis Gil says:

    Hi Jose,
    We appreciate your comments, and we share your preference for spicy Rioja chorizo.
    Explain that chorizo ​​from La Rioja, according to the Regulatory Council, must have more fat than the rest since this makes it juicier and has greater and better chewiness.
    If we add that Luis Gil's organic product is made with pigs raised in complete freedom, of the Duroc breed and fed with cereal and acorns; In the months of September to January, we obtained a product that, according to the study by the Technological Center of the Meat Industry, has a content of fatty acids beneficial to health that is much higher than the rest and, indeed, this makes it a priori more fatty and less appetizing for some. .
    We understand and appreciate your comment and we hope we have explained why our product is like this and have tried to explain our constant search for quality and health in all our sausages.
    All the best.

  5. Thank you for the recommendations. It is a very good meat that can be prepared in many different ways.

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