Ecological agriculture, Healthy nutrition, Global warming, Organic meat, Organic fresh meats, Consumption, Sustainable development, Depopulation, Organic livestock, Gastronomy, Sustainable homes, Environment, Ecological production, Sustainable production, Organic products, Sustainability

Eat less but better meat, for your health and that of the planet

What we eat is essential for our body and survival, but it also sometimes causes damage to the health of both humans and the planet. It is clear that it is necessary for our diet to be more sustainable. Meat consumption is in the spotlight.

Excessive meat consumption has become a problem in the Western world. But completely eliminating its consumption is not the solution, the key is to reduce the consumption of meat from industrial livestock farming and opt for higher quality meats, produced in a sustainable way that respects animals and the environment.

Below we explain the reasons why by consuming meat produced under organic agriculture and livestock you are simultaneously fighting against climate change.

1. Healthier and more natural

Meat is an essential source of proteins and minerals for our body. Meat produced through methods such as organic agriculture and livestock farming is a more natural and healthy product than meat from industrial livestock farming since it respects time and does not artificially accelerate the process, ensuring the well-being of the animals.

2. Environmental and social sustainability

Animals raised under the principles of organic farming play an important role in the conservation of rural environments, both environmentally and socially and economically.

3. Use of local resources

Supporting local producers and the sustainable development of rural areas that present so many problems right now, or connecting consumers with the places of origin of the products, is also a way to contribute to saving the planet and supporting other lifestyles. more respectful of the environment.

4. Soil care

The feed of the animals raised in organic farming comes from ingredients from organic farming, a cultivation method that facilitates the conservation and fertility of the soil and the use of water.

In our case, the cereal that our piglets eat, in addition to the acorns they find in 'El Encinar', is produced on our same farm using the organic farming method.

5. Meat free of chemical residues and genetically modified organisms

Although the use of veterinary antibiotics has been greatly reduced in Spain, they are still used, not so much to stimulate rapid growth and fattening of animals as to prevent diseases in healthy animals. While this is a very widespread practice in industrial livestock farming, it is totally prohibited in farms with an ecological seal in which the natural development of the animals' immune system is favored and in which antibiotics can only be administered under veterinary supervision and in cases extremes.

Animal feed must also come from grasses and cereals free of pesticides, insecticides and genetically modified substances.

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