Healthy nutrition, Organic meat, Organic fresh meats, Duroc, Organic sausages Luis Gil, Luis Gil, Organic products

We make our organic products with Duroc pigs


The Duroc pig is a breed originating in the United States (currently distributed throughout Europe). has very good qualities both in growth and in the quality of its meat.

General characteristics of the duroc pig

It presents a racial prototype that includes animals of medium size and length. Males reach a weight of 195 kg. and the females weigh 150 kg.

Its body is covered by regularly fine and abundant bristles. It has a brick red to light red skin. Its drooping ears are of medium length, with the tips facing downwards without hindering vision. The trunk is of medium length, deep and arched. Long, moderately thin and straight limbs with strong black hooves.

Its solid hooves and legs make the duroc an excellent choice for difficult breeding conditions, resistant to diseases and hot climates.

Why do we choose Duroc pigs to make our products?

The weather conditions of “El encinar de Ocón”, the prohibition of medications as a treatment for diseases and the fight for the quality of our products, mean that our pig farm is made up of a pure origin Duroc breed mix.

The main characteristics that this breed has for its use in all our products are:

  • Increment of infiltrated fat, which gives a high quality to the meat.
  • High prolificacy (number of piglets per delivery).
  • Juicy, tender meat, with very good flavor and no odors.
  • Presents significantly superior organoleptic characteristics to the meat of other breeds, with a much more consistent, tasty texture and differentiated color.
  • Nutritionally, they are meats with a much higher protein and vitamin content than any other conventional meat.

In Organic sausages Luis Gil We work, care for and monitor our Duroc pig farm every day, striving to obtain meat of the best quality and flavor to be able to offer you the best organic sausages and meats.

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4 thoughts on “We make our organic products with Duroc pigs

  1. micaela says:

    We have been consuming especially extra organic chorizo ​​for years...lately the flavor and the quantity and color of the fat have changed for the worse. I would be sorry to have to change sausages because the family asks me to because of this. I don't know if you can give any explanation.

  2. Sausages Luis Gil says:

    Chorizo ​​has not changed anything in terms of raw materials, in terms of proportions and suppliers.
    However, it is true that pigs at some times of the year gain weight more quickly or that at some times their diet is varied as organic products are not available.
    It is also true that the paprika at the end of the season loses color and becomes less red, more yellowish. This makes some customers see it strangely and believe that it is fattier, but nothing could be further from the truth.
    We do not make the chorizo ​​with fat or bacon but with shoulder and bacon and these parts, if the pig is large, have greater infiltration.
    If we add the casuistry that paprika has in some campaigns towards the end of summer... it makes the chorizo ​​"uglier" but nutritionally the values ​​are the same since each batch is always analyzed to verify that this is the case

    I hope I have answered your question and above all I take this opportunity to thank you for trusting us as we are our product or an important part of it.


  3. Eduardo Martínez Hernández. says:

    How many months does a piglet reach its ideal weight?

  4. Sausages Luis Gil says:

    Hello Eduardo, approximately 10 months or a year old.

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